Monday 7 April 2008


And so I bought bridal mags and enjoyed it with a kind of bashful abandon. Bashful because I wasn't getting married, but exciting because I had an excuse to buy some, and I had never had the opportunity to before. I began to feel a surge of optimism for this new career of mine and indulged in visions of glamour, direction and designer dresses. A world of colour and creativity. I could just picture myself in chic designer suits a la Lopez, panicking about the cake and the flowers and the rain. This could be it, at last. Something to sink my teeth into. Something creative. This was a girl's dream job wasn't it?

Waving goodbye to my office colleagues over shots of Limoncello at the local Italian, I skipped home sideways away from the sunset of my last job and into the wonderful sunrise of a new beginning. "Holy matrimony here I come!"

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